This piece is a brief case study of the Danone/Grameen partnership to bring nutrition to children in India. I used Flash and a proprietary ActionScript/XML package to develop this piece. I designed the user interface and navigation as well as wrote the XML to manipulate the ActionScript in the background. I also sourced some stock photography and photography and permissions from the companies involved. This piece incorporates a video introduction, then moves to a simple click and reveal to display the different perspectives of the two companies on the situation.
The challenging side of this piece was to show both company perspectives for a single topic. I used a double navigation idea with the topic question on the left that when clicked would load that question into the right panel with a button for each company. When the buttons for the companies are clicked their perspective on that topic shows up over the image in the right panel. The user can jump between topics easily and it is clear which company's perspecive the user is reading.